We spent a wonderful vacation in Zambia and Botswana. We love Africa!!! It’s a beautiful place and getting up close and personal with animals is amazing. We so much enjoyed spending time together as a family.

These monkeys were very inquisitive and right outside our hotel room. They even ran in our room once, grabbed all the sugar packets, and had a time scaring Nicholas. Ryan was unfazed, although we made sure he didn’t get too close : ) Below..there were zebra and giraffe right on the hotel grounds, and we also walked to the hotel pond every day so Nicholas could see the resident crocodile.

We went to the falls almost every day as it was a five minute walk from our hotel room. One day we put the boys in their swimsuits and walked along the path in front of it. Even though Mike and I were wearing raincoats, we got soaked. It was amazing!!

Mike and Ryan at the lip of Victoria Falls. The boys loved playing in the Zambezi River and the falls were breathtaking.

Nicholas and I loved our elephant, Mary. We took a 45 minute walk through the bush and got to feed her at the end of the ride.

We had a fantastic time as a family. We love our boys and are so happy to get to travel to such beautiful places.