Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ode to Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter, you're so yummy! To my tummy! Peanut Butter!

Well I'm not much of a poet, but can't you just taste the words? On sandwiches with honey, slathered over apples, or dipped into with pretzels or even better...little chocolate bars. Hmmm! Forget anything to dip with, just stick your finger right in! That's what me and Pickle do when Carrie's not looking.

As Ashley might say, bring me some peanut butter with my cheese!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!

It's the Easter bunny...oh no just the Easter Cheerio. He got a bath and loved the sweater my mom gave him.

We went to the ward Easter egg hunt yesterday and Nicholas had fun finding eggs. He had even more fun eating the chocolate inside them. Then when that wasn't enough, he ran around grabbing other childrens' candy. Guess we have a chocoholic on our hands.

We bought Nicholas a sandbox and picnic table this weekend and here he is enjoying his first meal. I can only imagine how much sand's going to get in future dinners : )
The ever traditional dying of eggs. As you can see, it's not just for kids.
On Easter morning, Nicholas was excited to get more chocolate in his Easter basket. Unfortunately, we gave it to him before breakfast so no cereal for him. Is he really a dietitian's son? Of course, a little chocolate for breakfast...that's a diet anyone would like : )

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An Apostle's Easter Message


Happy Easter to All!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Catchin' Coons

For real, I discovered we had a couple raccoons living in our attic. The pest guys that we wanted to come out and remove them said they could only come out and set traps, and, of course, charge us an arm & a leg for it. We just decided to do it ourselves. Ran down to Ace Hardware, bought a coon trap. Yep they sell those. The first night I tried peanut butter, carrots, & apples. The pest guy said peanut butter worked well. That didn't seem to be working, so we changed to sardines and honey covered cucumbers. On the 3rd night, bingo, got one. They have cute faces, but they're bigger than I expected. When I went out there, a couple others were hanging around the yard wondering what was going on. Anyway, guy #1 got hauled away to the boonies. Going for #2 tonight. Funny things you end up doing in life sometimes...
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Friday, April 3, 2009

Things are looking up

Cheerio got back yesterday afternoon, my last long training run for our next marathon went great this morning, and Carrie and Nicholas get back tonight. Hmmm - things are really looking up for me. Now if only our orange tree in the back yard would grow some muulah instead of fruit. I'm trying to exercise more faith...oh yeah we're supposed to exercise faith in Jesus Christ not faith to satisfy our vain desires...pooh!