Sunday, November 28, 2010

He’s A Thinker Already : )


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Here’s our little boy thinking in the womb.  We went to a 4D ultrasound yesterday and got to see lots of pictures of him.  He must be thinking “how do I get out of here?”  because he’s a week ahead of schedule.  We can’t wait to meet him and welcome another sweet boy into our family!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thanksgiving Feast


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Grammie and I went to Nicholas’ Thanksgiving Feast at his preschool this week.  They got all the traditional foods and then made some pilgram hats and turkey placemats.  We had fun listening to them sing songs and read a Thanksgiving story.  Nicholas loves school : )

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Boys!!


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I’m so proud of my boys and can’t wait until our next one arrives!  Mike would say this is a rare shot since Nicholas and Cheerio are definitely “mama’s boys.”  But this goes to show that Dada is important too- check out those smiles (Cheerio’s smiling in spirit).  I love you to pieces mices boys, you make my life the best!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!



Our friend, Mary, has a much better camera than we do so she sent us this picture she snapped of us trick or treating.  Mike and I finally got to wear the outfits we bought while we were in Egypt and Nicholas got to be a great white shark.  We had a great time dressing up.  We hope you all had a fabulous Halloween!!!