Well we survived the first month – time does fly! Ryan is such a sweet boy!
Here’s a tribute to my sweet husband. Thanks for all that you do. For all the late nights you work, the early mornings you teach seminary, and all the moments in between you’re always taking good care of us. Thank you for being the kind of dad who cares whether his son eats his veggies or not, the kind that will feed his newborn in the sand, and the kind that is a good example of honesty, responsibility, and thoughtfulness. Thanks for being my best friend, biggest supporter, and loyal companion. When we first got married, I thought I was the luckiest person in the whole world, and 12 years later, I still feel that way. You’re my better half and I love our life together. Happy Valentine’s Day…. I LOVE YOU!!!
Hey bro, let’s get outta here!
Hmmm, I think I like Filoli Gardens. Let’s go see if there’s any fish in the pond.
One of the most beautiful things we saw…this single flower tucked away in a shady grove, with the rays of sunlight coming through and illuminating its edges.
Nicholas: “follow me, dadda!”
Smile big!
Who needs toys?
Bonding time
Off to Half Moon Bay – first things first though.
Then first feet in the sand.
Nicholas racing the waves.
Happy campers – amazing what a change of scenery can do!
After one of the toughest weeks on record for us, Carrie’s got her groove back. Maybe this was all a preconceived plan to lose that baby weight really fast :)
Carrie’s mom has been a tremendous help – we’re glad she’s here!