Sunday, September 29, 2013

Visit from Uncle Jon


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We hadn’t seen my brother in years so when he said he was town for work, we had him over one evening.  The boys loved him!! He brought some cool goodies for them and a sourdough bread in the shape of a crocodile : )  He helped Nicholas get ready for his jog-a-thon the next day by spray-painting his hair blue and doing his face painting.  Thanks for the great visit Uncle Jon…hope it’s not a few more years before we see you again!

First Day of Preschool


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Ryan was excited to start preschool this fall!!  He loved getting his own backpack and loves taking his lunchbox to school.  So for three mornings a week he gets to make friends, learn colors and letters, and have fun.  Good thing we potty trained this summer…he was all ready to go.  I was wondering if he was a little young to start school (he turns 3 in January, but he already thinks he’s five and talks really well for his age so off we went).  So far he’s done great and his teachers say he’s doing fantastic!  Way to go Ryan, you’re such a big boy now.