Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Go Blue Devils


What an amazing game last night, we were on the edge of our seats.  We were so glad that Joe and Julie could share the excitement with us.  While I was thrilled that Duke won, I was so impressed by Butler’s Gordon Hayward.  He gave it his all with a long shot at the last second of the game, and I thought now that’s the way to do it.  That’s the way to live life, giving it your 100% all the way to the end.  Awesome game!!!  And we’re so excited for Duke…it takes us back to our glory days there : )

1 comment:

Julie said...

Sooo fun! Thanks you guys for a great evening! Always nice when your team wins :) xoxoxo (hope you don't mind, but I'm going to post your pictures on my blog too!)