Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Boys!!


Nov2010 001

I’m so proud of my boys and can’t wait until our next one arrives!  Mike would say this is a rare shot since Nicholas and Cheerio are definitely “mama’s boys.”  But this goes to show that Dada is important too- check out those smiles (Cheerio’s smiling in spirit).  I love you to pieces mices boys, you make my life the best!!!


Annie said...

That's a cute picture - I think Mike looks a little tired though...

Micah and Alison said...

Love the pic...Hey bytheway, what kind of things/colors are you doing in the nursery?

Mike said...

we're doing books and papers and a brown curtain Carrie found on sale and put up because she likes it super dark when they sleep :) (aka my office turned nursery) He is getting a green froggy bouncer since we had to leave Nicholas' in Venezuela and it matches something else we have, but we didn't plan that.

Debora said...

So should we assume the colors are green and brown?

Jenny said...

That's a super cute picture! Can't wait to see your new little guy too!
Yes we did have arepas (spelling??) they were really good especially with the delicious fillings she made. I was going to ask you if you had had those in Venezuela.