Thursday, August 25, 2011

Luanda House

Well, this post is mostly for my mom who loves pictures, but if anyone else is interested in where we'll be for the next three years, here's our house. I uploaded the images out of order and am too tired to rearrange them so here's what you get.


New rec center that opens on Sept 6th...behind our across-the-street neighbors'. NICE!!!!

Front of house

Our house is first one on the right.


WhiteEyebrows said...

Awesome. Definitely looks livable.

great grandma said...

Looks really nice! Anxious to see you this weekend and hear more about everything:)!! Love, "GG"

Ben and Camille said...

AWESOME! I can't wait to hear about your life there. You are so brave! :)

Tyler and Rachael said...

I LOVED seeing where you'll be living. Keep the pictures coming.

Micah and Alison said...

cool, different than i expected, but i dont know a thing about luanda... it will be fun to learn a little through you guys :)