Sunday, February 10, 2008

Traveling to Venezuela

Nicholas loved the plane! He took good naps and was completely fascinated by the new surroundings.
Nicholas strutting his stuff at the Marriott in Caracas. This was the 1st time I saw Pickle stand up by himself other than in his crib. His whole goal in life right now when he's awake is to try and pull up on stuff. - Mike
Now you know where Nicholas got his eyes!
Pickle loves the water just like mama!
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Annie said...

Congratulations on the flight! I'm jealous though...
anyway, Nicholas sure is a cutie! You better keep him away from the girls...

Debora said...

Thanks for the update. I was going to tease you about going off and leaving us with just Christmas pics. hehe

JTuffy said...

That's always such a relief when they're actually good on the plane! So I'm happy for you! He looks so cute! Have fun and keep us updated!

Tyler and Rachael said...

Glad to know you arrived safe and sound! And happy to hear that Nicholas was such a champ on the plane---.