Thursday, July 30, 2009

10th Anniversary

Isn't the 10th anniversary some kind of metal? Well, Mike came through and got me a new road bike. It's very light and I can now ride like the wind (unless I'm riding with Nicholas in the trailer behind me). Then it's like riding through mud. Anyway, just wanted to say that my husband is the BEST! We've had 10 fantastic years together (okay...nine and one bad one - whew that second year was a doozy). But I am blessed to be married to my best friend, most loyal supporter, and eternal companion. He's the one that allows me to find joy in the journey of life. So here's to you sweetheart...I love you more everyday!
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Debora said...


Halliday's said...

Congrats to 10 more!!! : )For some reason, I didn't realize we got married the same year! How cool! And so fun to be so much in love too!!! Ahh... isn't it great! : )