Monday, October 19, 2009

The end and a surprise

This is Nicholas at the end of our day in San Francisco. I guess I wore the poor boy out.

I opened the garage door one day and found this snake. I don't do snakes, and since Mike was working, I called one of our neighbors to come get rid of it. I think the snake got a surprise of his own when he went flying over the backyard fence into the canal.
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Annie said...

Oooh... I can't handle snakes on the loose either. I wonder what kind it was? Alex probably knows. I'm glad the neighbor was around to take care of it for you. I had to call a friend once to take care of a mouse. I couldn't even do that. At least the snake wasn't in the house! I'm curious what Mike would have done... take a hoe to it?

Annie said...

I had to look it up... it looks like a king snake - they eat things like rattlesnakes and usually suffocate their prey. The good thing is they're not venomous, but I still wouldn't want to mess with him.

Mike said...

yeah, I would have killed it not knowing beforehand whether it was venomous or not. Would have been a sorry end to the poor fellow