Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mmm, yummy!

Every Halloween, I make a theme dinner. This year I was tired so Mike came through with the grub (of course, I wasn't too tired to make the dessert : )

Mmm...look at those eyeballs and intestines. 4-star restaurant quality right?

Ahh, my boys. Nicholas loved the "eyeballs" and Mike loved the "ghosts in the graveyard" dessert I made. It's not hard to please these guys.
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Debora said...

A friend of Aud, has a link on her blog to-
You might find it interesting- all sorts of recipes. (Not exactly low fat or low sugar :)But she had an interesting post about Halloween food, after going to a party with "scary" food- she came up with some cute things. You'll have to hunt for it- she has tons of stuff on there.

Debora said...

PS- Actually the Halloween food post is easier than I thought to find it's close to the top- "A Grimm Halloween".

WhiteEyebrows said...

ohhh... dinner on the back porch... so jealous!