Monday, May 30, 2011

Play Time!

We got our first Canon SLR camera and enjoyed testing it out while the boys were playing.  We figured if we’re going to go on safaris we better have a nice camera to capture the moments.

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Hmmm, is this frog ever going to do anything???  Not much else to do on a rainy day.

2011 May 009 2011 May 010

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Nicholas!!!

Nicholas turned four this year, we can hardly believe how fast the time has gone. 

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We didn’t have a party this year, but we still had a fantastic day.  We took Nicholas to Chuck E. Cheese’s for dinner.  He loved playing all the ball games with Dada.   

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Nicholas is a pro at opening presents and had a blast opening all his birthday gifts.  Mama and Dada went old school and got him a Lite Bright (I remember loving those when I was a kid : )

May2011 013





Every year I think I’m going to buy a cake, and then I never do.  This year Nicholas wanted a “crab” cake so he got one.  It was pretty fun to make and Nicholas loved it.

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Hope all your birthday wishes come true, sweetheart!! Don’t think the bird wish is going to happen though : )  We love you Nicholas and are so happy that you’ve made our family happy these past four years.


May2011 027

My pride and joy before church today.  Nicholas found my stash of jewelry and Ryan’s working hard on rolling over.  I love you both, you’re such sweethearts!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Happy 4 Months!!


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Ryan is four months old today and growing up so quickly.  He’s such a sweet baby, we’re so happy he’s joined our family.  We love you Ryan!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Our Dinosaur


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Thanks Grammie for the cute costume you sent Nicholas.  He tried it on immediately and wore it for hours…even to the neighbor’s house to play.  It’s a hit!!!

Our Sweet Baby


Aprilmay2011 011 He looked so peaceful sleeping there…yes, on his stomach : )  What can I say, he likes naps on his stomach and nighttime on his back.  I don’t mind as long as he’s sleeping : )

Aprilmay2011 017

He’s reaching for things now and is so amazed when he gets a toy that he can pull (bonus if it makes noise). 

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First time in the high chair.  But sad to say, no food yet.  We just thought he’d like to join us at the dinner table instead of sitting on Mama’s lap all the time (and getting food dropped on his head when he’s there : )  I’m sure he’ll be happy for the food in a couple of months and I’ll have to break out the floor cover for all the mess : )



Aprilmay2011 004 

Nicholas had fun searching for all the eggs at the ward Easter egg hunt.

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Yum, we finally got a cupcake at the cake walk.  Hard earned reward : )

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The Easter Bunny didn’t forget baby Ryan.  Instead of candy, he got a basket full of clothes.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Say Aaahh!

Nicholas and I went to the dentist today (Ryan escaped since he doesn't have any teeth yet : ). I was a little nervous because it was a new dentist office, but Nicholas was beyond perfect. He let the hygienist scrape, polish, and put flouride on his teeth without even a wince. The only thing we have to work on is the thumb sucking : ) But overall, we're thrilled to be cavity-free. Thanks for being such a brave boy, Nicholas!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Touching the Temple

About a month ago, for a family home evening we drove up to Oakland to let the boys touch the temple. We went to a little park to play, had pizza, and then went walking around the temple grounds. The boys literally got to touch the temple and it touched us as we talked about how families can be sealed together forever within those walls. We explained to Nicholas that one day he’ll get to go inside. It was a wonderful family outing.

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Expat Physicals – Nicholas & Ryan

These two just cracked me up acting funny in their little blue and green outfits.

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