Sunday, May 8, 2011

Expat Physicals – Nicholas & Ryan

These two just cracked me up acting funny in their little blue and green outfits.

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Annie said...

Nice undies!

A2 said...

Looking forward to more pics from your trip!!!

Love the boys. Hopefully they were good patients. I experienced shots for the first time with Eli last week. It about broke mommy's heart to see his face when he got stuck 4 times. But that nurse was a pro though. She had it over in 5 seconds flat and probably could have done it with her eyes closed.

Micah and Alison said...

Yeah, Aud I'm with you, the shots are worse on me than Dallin. I can't watch, just hold his arms and don't look! Carrie, you're boys are too cute! Gotta love the cars undies... ;)