Friday, April 13, 2012



We went to Chobe National Park in Botswana and the amount of animals there was incredible.  Nicholas did great on a 3-hour safari and even Ryan went out gaming for a little bit.  The boys loved it.  Crocodiles, hippos, elephants, lions, warthogs, etc…it was beautiful. 







We had beautiful sunsets and the boys loved the private boat ride Dadda arranged for us.  What a great trip!!


Annie said...

Incredible sunset! And Nicholas looks SO happy! I am amazed at all your adventures.

Alison said...

Look how big your boys are...Man time flies!

Sujay said...

Nice picture, excelente moment.

Unknown said...

Looks like a fun adventure! Sweet pics, love the captured excitement on Nicholas' face.

Ben said...

Wow!! You guys are quite the world travelers!!! So cool!

Tyler and Rachael said...

I LOVE that picture of you and Nicholas. I can't even imagine seeing those animals so close-- I've never even seen a real live hippo before. How awesome that you and your family are having these experiences.