Sunday, January 20, 2013

I’m Two!!!


We can’t believe our little boy is 2!  Time flies!!  It was easy to decide the theme for Ryan’s birthday as all he does lately is play with trains.  He knows every Thomas character and most of his conversations involve choo choos : )

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We kept the day low key and just had a family day.  It was soooo nice not having a party, it was nice and peaceful!Ryanbirthday13 025

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It was nice having Gramie here to celebrate with us.  She and Nicholas had to open most of Ryan’s presents because he got distracted after he opened his first Thomas coloring book.

Happy 2nd Birthday Ryan…you have blessed our lives with your smiles, laughs, and hugs.  We love you!!!!


Annie said...

Cute cake! We have plenty of trains around here that aren't getting played with now. We should send some to you. Ryan looks so big!

Mike said...

Ryan is a perfect square right now. 35 in tall and 35 lb. That puts him in 97th percentile for weight. He is a chunk of lead!

Jenny said...

Happy Birthday Ryan! I think he and Max would have a lot of fun together!

Tyler and Rachael said...

Happy Birthday to Ryan!!