Well, the picture doesn't do it justice because I only had my phone with me at the time. But one great thing that we (or at least I) love about our new house is our walking school bus. Two days a week the kids meet at the corner of our street and walk to school with two parent volunteers. I walk Nicholas the other days of the week. I love it...it's such a fun idea, although I don't think Nicholas wants to hold the bus : ) I love being able to walk to school. It's a bit of a walk (about 15 minutes) but it gives me a chance to talk to Nicholas and we get to observe nature. Plus, the weather is awesome so we enjoy our "walk-n-talks". And then if it's raining I drive Nicholas to school and we get there in literally 2 minutes. I'm just thrilled that we live in a neighborhood with so many kids. What a big change from our last house. I really appreciate that this school district puts a lot of emphasis on physical health through walking school buses, morning exercise at school, and running club twice a week. In fact, I might volunteer to do a day for the walking bus next year (you have to get fingerprinted and fill out lots of forms), but I really feel that kids should be active and this is a great way to do it : )
What a cute idea! My daughter starts kindergarten this year and I would love to be able to get in some extra quality time and conversation in the morning. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Carrie! My name is Heather and I was hoping you could answer a question about your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com I would greatly appreciate it!
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