After six months of hard work (well really about 5 years of training and 2 failed training attempts), we can finally cross running a marathon off our list! As expected, Carrie ran like the Energizer bunny - she just keeps going and going and going.

I barely survived, having to deal with cramps in both legs from mile 19 on. For me, just finishing was a major victory and it was really special having Carrie cheer me across the finish line. I had to choke back tears a bit after having fought the good fight and seeing Carrie there waiting for me. Made me think of what it must be like for couples to finally be reunited in heaven after fighting the good fight here on earth.
Congratulations! Made me cry just reading the blog. I would have really lost it to actually watch the race- I used to do that watching the girls run CC.
So excited for you two! And thanks for sharing your victory pictures...can't wait to see you both next month
Yeah! What a place to accomplish that too! And I got teary eyed too - mom and I are just too emotional. It's G. Bob's fault. Anyway, that's awesome. You'll have to share your training secrets. How did you keep from getting injured? I did something to my knee the last time I started running and it's never healed.
Super congratulations! Wow oh wow--you two are amazing!!!!!!
Woo hooo!!! Congratulations. That is a wonderful achievement of mind over body
Yeah for your diligence and perspective.
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