Friday, April 3, 2009

Things are looking up

Cheerio got back yesterday afternoon, my last long training run for our next marathon went great this morning, and Carrie and Nicholas get back tonight. Hmmm - things are really looking up for me. Now if only our orange tree in the back yard would grow some muulah instead of fruit. I'm trying to exercise more faith...oh yeah we're supposed to exercise faith in Jesus Christ not faith to satisfy our vain desires...pooh!


WhiteEyebrows said...

that's what i need... to grow an orange tree in the back...

Jenny said...

Welcome back to the states friends!! CONGRATULATIONS - I mean serious CONGRATULATIONS are in store for you marathon runners- AMAZING and that was a really sweet way that Mike put it when he saw you Carrie. That is so cool- you guys inspire me! Maybe we'll have to do it one of these days :)!
We're jealous that you got to see and do so many cool things- feed elephants- so cute- welcome back! Hope you're getting adjusted!