Nicholas turned four this year, we can hardly believe how fast the time has gone.

We didn’t have a party this year, but we still had a fantastic day. We took Nicholas to Chuck E. Cheese’s for dinner. He loved playing all the ball games with Dada.

Nicholas is a pro at opening presents and had a blast opening all his birthday gifts. Mama and Dada went old school and got him a Lite Bright (I remember loving those when I was a kid : )

Every year I think I’m going to buy a cake, and then I never do. This year Nicholas wanted a “crab” cake so he got one. It was pretty fun to make and Nicholas loved it.

Hope all your birthday wishes come true, sweetheart!! Don’t think the bird wish is going to happen though : ) We love you Nicholas and are so happy that you’ve made our family happy these past four years.

My pride and joy before church today. Nicholas found my stash of jewelry and Ryan’s working hard on rolling over. I love you both, you’re such sweethearts!!!