Nicholas got to finish 1st grade in a new school and didn’t seem to miss a beat. He also joined a new primary class at church where he was the only boy with a handful of girls. We laughed so hard one day when we asked him how his primary class was and he said he had to get out of there because the girls wouldn’t stop singing ‘that song’ from Frozen. He just rolls his eyes at that and would rather watch Despicable Me or Star Wars. He played soccer this fall and was recognized by his coach for being the most improved over the season. Nicholas turns 8 next May and is looking forward to his baptism.
Ryan who turns 4 in January, thinks he’s a least a couple years older than he is. He and Nicholas are inseparable. What Nicholas does Ryan does. Ryan advanced himself to Primary over the summer by announcing one day he was no longer going to nursery, so we got the Sunbeam leader to let him join a little early. He’s been going to pre-school several days a week and swims with a lot of confidence for his age, despite the fact that he looks like he’s about to drown most of the time.
Carrie puts up with us boys. When she does get a free moment to herself she’ll be found reading a book, heading to the gym, or trying to squeeze in a much-coveted nap. She has run a bunch of 10-K and ½ marathon races this year, although had to slow down a bit over the last few months because of a pesky knee injury just before our Malibu Triathlon in September. She still competed in the swim and bike, but looks forward to being full strength for next year. At church, she got to serve as a cub scout leader for part of the year and is currently enjoying her work with the sisters as Relief Society secretary.
With the new job and less business travel, Mike got back in shape this year with the triathlon and lots of running. He has been able to recharge a bit. He was disappointed to leave behind his work with the youth in Pleasanton Stake, but was quickly called again into the YM presidency in our new ward. He also enjoyed dusting off his vocal cords a bit, taking some voice lessons, and singing his first solo at church. Mike and Carrie also got to take a couple trips together to Mexico and Hawaii. Many thanks to Baba and Papa and Grammy for watching the boys during these times.
The other main constant in our lives besides change is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how it strengthens our family. We love that there are truths that we can teach our children and that bind us together eternally as family. We love the fact that our kids look forward to ‘family night’ on Monday evenings. We love that they expect to read scriptures together as a family before bed. Most of all, we LOVE our Savior and this time of time when we can reflect more fully on his birth and life. HE IS THE GIFT.

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