Friday, May 15, 2009

Chillin' in Seattle

I've really tried hard to teach my son the most important things in life. Him digging for the last remaining remnants of the milkshake after sucking down the easy stuff.
There's at least one person in the world who thinks Dadda's gear is cool! He stole my dork hat and sunglasses and did some of his characteristic thumb in mouth posing for us. Then he must not have gotten quite all the attention he had hoped for, so he took the sunglasses and poked a lady in the butt. A guy accompanying her says he wishes he could do that. She didn't seem to mind.
Which one makes the best fire fighter?
Lettin' loose on the play stage at the Children's museum!
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Annie said...

Is that a skirt you're wearing Mike? I'm glad you're teaching Nicholas the important things in life.

Jenny said...

What are you guys doing in Seattle? We'll be there next month and CANNOT wait!!