Well here's some pics from our trip to Egypt. It wasn't very Christmassy and we really missed everyone, but we had fun anyway. We just moved to a different hotel for the last 2 nights in Cairo and we're right next to a huge new mall, so I sent Carrie on her way with my credit cards and now have some time to myself to post some pics.

Having dinner in Luxor the first night.

Checking out the sound & light show at the Temple of Karnak.

Riding the horsey was by far Nicholas' favorite activity. He got to drive the horse himself and received the nickname 'Ali Baba' from our driver Ahmet.

We all got outfitted with some traditional Egyptian wear - we didn't tell them it was for a future Halloween. Peppy had a blast running around the store with his hat on.

Family pic at the Temple of Hapshetsut.

Riding the horse again - we used the horse-drawn carriages to get around town instead of using the annoying taxis. Nicholas has his camel backpack he picked out that played Arab music. Our horse carriage riding wasn't without a little drama. One time we were passing by a bus and another car coming from the other direction decided to try and squeeze through, not leaving enough room for the carriage. The carriage driver halted the horse as quickly as possible and we ran into the bus and the horse fell down. Poor thing was so startled, she didn't want to get up. We just sat there wide-eyed in the carriage wondering what exactly happened!

Nicholas went off to take a little break by himself while visiting the Temple of Karnak

Horse and camel ride out to see the pyramids. Nicholas fussed at first, but a cookie helped him forget where he was. He liked it after that. Carrie's thighs didn't fare so well. She laughed really hard when we switched mounts for the ride back. Spreading your legs wide enough to fit on the camel and having to use them to hold on, while every step jarrs you to death, makes for quite an unpleasant ride. I walked funny for a while afterwards - they call that walking like an Egyptian!

These pyramids aren't so big! And what is all this sand?

Nicholas thought he could climb the pyramid.

Taking a Felucca sail boat on the Nile to Banana Island.

The banana fields - we ate a bunch of yummy bananas here. Carrie wouldn't let me post the pic that made it look like she ate them all!!

We had dinner on the boat on the way back. This was our Christmas Eve dinner.