Saturday, October 23, 2010

School Carnival

Nicholas had a Halloween carnival at his preschool today.  It was perfect since it was rainy outside…good day to be inside playing games.


Picking out a prize from the duck pond game…good catch Nicholas!!


Dada had to help him during the cake walk, but they landed on the right mat the first time.  Imagine those odds….thanks Mister N.


Much happier with the results of the cake walk than actually doing it : )


At the craft table, Nicholas put this turkey together all by himself.  Mike and I were so impressed by how well he did with no help.  What a smart boy!!

1 comment:

Debora said...

If you have a stat counter on here-you would see that I just keep coming back and coming back- I love looking at Nicholas smiling at his cupcake! What a cute, cute kid.